Getting on the Wrong Side of Paypal | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday 15 December 2005

Getting on the Wrong Side of Paypal

At fist, a account may seem like the best thing in the world since sliced bread, BUT if you ever encounter any problem with your account, sad to say, you will be walking alone, baby.

In a recent case where, on personal experience, my debit card number was barred from the Paypal system for some reason, I e-mailed their Customer Service twice through their webform, without getting a reply.

The reply only came more than 24 hours later (this happened on a weekday where I expect a swifter response) and this was their reply (it was a standard form letter BAH!):

"Due to an increase in seasonal email volumes, we may not have been able to answer your email.

If your inquiry has not been resolved or you have further questions regarding your PayPal account please call 1-402-938-3570.

Thank you for choosing PayPal!

Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address will not be answered."

Is that a joke, or what?

I wonder why asks customers to call/fax to their USA numbers, knowing full well that they have an international customer base.

Making interstate calls is bad enough, but to make an international call to them, and being put on hold for long minutes before being put through to the correct department and the personnel in-charge of your specific problem, like all big corporations, is a killer to the pocket.

One would think that in this age of advanced electronic technology, communication through e-mail is more than sufficient in a business of this nature, but it doesn't look like it. Too bad!

Perhaps, all account holders should petition for the company to accept "reversed charge calls" (in American term, it's "call collect") hahaha

One thing I always do is to just deposit enough funds into my account whenever there is a need to make a payment.

Similarly, I'll just transfer out the funds to a savings acocunt once payment is received. is known to freeze an account on the slightest suspicion of fraudulant use (or misuse) of the account.

Freeze first, talk later!


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