1st Year "Champion" Buyer | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday 24 January 2006

1st Year "Champion" Buyer

Having been trading online for a year now, I've come across all types of buyers. However, I'm sure there is one type of buyer that no seller wants to deal with.
Today, I'm going to dedicate this whole post to such a buyer.

This lady was one of my early buyers. She made an order around Chinese New Year 2005. Yes, she paid me promptly, within the stipulated 3 day period and I was happy for it.

HHmm so item was sent out, but unfortunately, it was returned to me after a few weeks. The reason was, no one was not at home to sign for it. The postman left a card for her, informing her to go the nearest post office to pick up her item. If not mistaken, she was given about 10 or 14 days.

Obviously, she failed to pick up her item and so it was returned to me. I sent her an email informing her about it and requesting for postage (I could resend it at my own expense if the fault lies with me) and she replied by telling me her reason (an acceptable one) for failing to collect her item and agreed to make payment for postage within a few days. The postage was only about MYR1.75.

Days passed and still no payment... so I emailed her... no reply, and so I mailed and mailed regularly, whenever I have the time, or when I remembered.

This went on for months, until one fine day, she emailed me saying that if she remembers correctly, she still owes me postage for the item that she bought.

While I was happy to hear from her, I was not happy with her timing, as she mentioned that she will send me the payment in a few days' time. Her email came a few days before the long Deepavali/Hari Raya holidays.

So, I told her to send me the payment but I'll only ship out the item after the long holidays as I do not wish for the package to be held up at the post office for days during the holidays. Anything can happen during that time ;)

Since then, I have not received her payment or heard from her at all. I'm presuming that she is still checking her email regularly, since none of my email to her were bounced (due to inactive account).

This Chinese New Year marks one year since her deal and I'm still keeping her item. What's the appropriate action to take.... I wonder?



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