Google's GBuy | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 10 February 2006

Google's GBuy

In recent months, Google is said to have recruited a number of merchants to test their new online payment service, named GBuy (unfortunately, Google doesn't have Hokkien staff, you see .... *wink* *wink*)

Right now, we have no idea when GBuy will be rolled out to the masses and I'm sure alot of people are waiting with bated breath to see what features it can provide to ordinary folks.

Apart from offering us what Paypal is already providing, here are some of my *humble* requests to GBuy (is Google reading this??):-

1. Allow Malaysians to withdraw money from GBuy to a local bank account ;-)
2. Allow payments in Ringgit Malaysia
3. Lower service charge (dare we expect FREE?)
4. Better Support for worldwide customers
5. More stringent rules for chargeback
6. more to come hehehe

The top question on our mind is, "Can GBuy challenge Paypal?"


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