Free Thumbnail Listing on! | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 20 May 2006

Free Thumbnail Listing on!

Wooohooooo is offering FREE thumbnail listing for all items listed "For Auction" or "For Sale" in two catergories, namely "Clothing & Accessories" and "Jewelry, Gemstone & Accessories" with effect from 19th May, 2006 until further notice.

This feature is normally charged MYR0.30 per listing.... AND NOW IT'S FREE! Isn't that great?

Browsers (potential buyers) need not click on the item link to preview the photo, but it will also lessen click through rates and so potential browsers will most probably skip reading item descriptions.

I'm not sure if using this feature will boost sales, but since it's free, it'll be a good trial run.

Thank you,


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