Important Information about Scam e-mails | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday 29 May 2006

Important Information about Scam e-mails

The following information are compiled by an eBay member Hallowt.

***PLEASE DO NOT BE A VICTIM and fall prey to these scam artists. They are out there lurking, just waiting to steal your identity ----- just waiting to spend your hard earned money, while they sit on their rear ends....taking vacations...bidding and stealing items from other sellers...

Have you recently received an email asking for personal information such as credit card number, Social Security number, passwords, etc. ????

PLEASE PROTECT yourself and be AWARE that, Neither
eBay nor PayPal will EVER under ANY circumstances....ever, request personal information in the form of an email. Be on your toes because these emails can appear to be official, but BELIEVE me you, they are NOT. THEY ARE SCAMS!!! I CAN'T stress this fact enough!!! They are called PHISING EMAILS. These scam artists are trying to get you to give them your personal information. These emails do not, come from anyone at eBay or PayPal.

If you receive an email such as this, requesting such things as Password, social security number, or Credit Card number, or asking questions about an item you are NOT selling, or an email asking you about an item you never bid on…..or an email asking you what your date of birth is.....It is a scam, led by these scam artists, who are trying to steal your personal information. These emails generally contain links. DO NOT click any of those links. If you do, delete all your cookies, temp internet files, and run a virus scan. If you have spyware software, run a trojan scan.

If you have received an email of this sort, forward it directly to: or

For more information on scam "spoof" emails see this link:

and this information filled discussion thread:

***Also keep in mind that eBay does not take deposit accounts from sellers, nor do they have a big warehouse where they store items for sellers!

Remember if you receive a telephone call from someone claiming to be with
eBay, never give out personal information such as card..or Social Security number over the phone. If it is really eBay, they will have all that info already......all updates should made directly from your..."MY EBAY" page...and always do so while you are signed in directly to eBay and not via an indirect URL.

Here are other scams that are sent via email:

How to spot BidPay scam emails:

How to spot PayPal scam emails:

How to spot eBay scam emails:

Use this A-Z index to help you be successful on eBay!

eBay My Messages:

If it is not in your My Messages, it is NOT from

Knowledge is power!! PASS THE WORD!!! Never give your passwords out to anyone!! BE CAREFUL & STAY SAFE!!


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