Seller's 10 RED Flags | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday 8 May 2006

Seller's 10 RED Flags

Some time back, I blogged on signs to look out for when bidding on eBay or any similar auction site or trading platform on the internet.

The post was titled: 13 Flags to Warn a Bidder of a Fraudulent Transaction on eBay

Today, I'm going to blog on what a Seller should look out for to avoid possible scam from so-called buyers.

Here is a list of things you should look out for as a seller to avoid a possible scam.

Seller's 10 red flags:
1: Buyer offers to pay you way more than the actual value of the item if you will end the auction early.

2: Buyer is in Nigeria/Indonesia/Romania (no offense to honest buyers from these countries) and wants to pay you using Western Union money order.

3: Buyer keeps asking you to send item before you have cash in your hands.

4: Buyer wants you to ship by FedEx overnight.

5. Wants to buy off-eBay or whatever auction site or trading platform.

6. Wants to pay with a credit card using seller's merchant account.

7. Zero feedback member, usually registered on the same day they contact the seller, or only a day or two prior to the contact.

8: Interested in high-priced item (inconclusive if not in combination with other red flags)

9. E-mail written in broken English (also inconclusive all by itself, but could reinforce other red flags).

10. Buyer asks you to send the item to relatives or friends (usually in another country).

(Adapted from the post by crafty-scrapper on the International Trading Discussion Board post)


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