Fraud Protection on eBay : Overview | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 3 June 2006

Fraud Protection on eBay : Overview

eBay pledges to work closely with our community of members to ensure a safe trading environment. We welcome reports of suspicious activity and will investigate and take appropriate action as outlined in our User Agreement.

The following pages outline steps buyers and sellers can take to ensure a successful transaction as well as what can be done if something goes wrong.

These pages also explain eBay's Role in the transaction, detailing what eBay can and cannot do to assist you.

Information for Buyers:
Buyer Protection on eBay - What you can do if something goes wrong.
Protection Claim: Eligibility Requirements - Find out whether or not you are eligible to file a claim for reimbursement from eBay for losses due to fraud.
Protection Claim: Coverage Provided - Information about the circumstances under which eBay will reimburse you through the Protection Claim program.
Protection Claim: How To File - How buyers can file a Protection Claim with eBay


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