Phew ~ H1 2006 is Over | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday 3 July 2006

Phew ~ H1 2006 is Over

It's really hard to believe that the first six months of 2006 is already over. Time flies when we're having fun, I supposed. Well, it moves just as fast even if we're sweating blood. Ya, that's how hectic life has been.

I will never believe if someone tells me what an easy job it is to be an e-trader. "Just sit in front of the PC and click here and there only, mah."


Clicking too much will cause
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome hah... I hope I do not develop this although I do feel pain in my wrist and fingers due to too much clicking and typing.

I wish I'm
ambidextrous but I'm not. BAH... too bad.

Oh yeah, I need a better screen too =) OOwww my eyes .......


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