How eBay Can Lessen Fraud Cases | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday 14 August 2006

How eBay Can Lessen Fraud Cases

These are from my own observation:

1. Do not allow members to change ID as they like
2. Do not allow members to set their feedback as "private'
3. Verify all members through Credit card or ID
4. Utilise the forum boards to inform other members of fraudsters by revealing their IDs and in serious cases, their names and/or bank account numbers.

eBay has this policy of disallowing members to even mention another member's ID on the forum boards. Doing so will cause the member to be warned, or even suspended for repeat "offences".

This is dangerous and will cause more and more unsuspecting members to fall victims to a fraudster before the fraudster is deregistered. By then, there are quite a number of people who would have made payment before realising that this Seller is now NARU-ed.

Eventhough with forum boards, the message is always relayed a tad too late, because most victims only find their way to the community boards AFTER sensing that they have been scammed.

Of course, if
eBay wants some control, then members cannot state these IDs but only Pinkies can. This should be fair enough, shouldn't it?

So yeah, these are some of the more obvious policies that
eBay should change to, if not eradicate, then lessen fraud cases, and regain buyer's confidence.


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