The Risk of Selling Online | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 5 August 2006

The Risk of Selling Online

Sometimes we hear of identity theft in the US, but it also happens to online Sellers the world over.

The scenario is like this (excuse my clumsy attempt in explaining):

Bidder successfully won an auction, so Seller (A) provides him with payment details. But then, Bidder has no intention of transfering any payment.

What Seller (A) doesn't know is that his winner (Bidder) is also a Seller (B) online somewhere, selling a similar item.

When Seller B managed to get buyers, he will ask his buyers to make payment to Seller A's bank account.

And then, Seller B tells Seller A, that he has banked in x-amount of money and to ship the item to him as soon as possible. And to include excess payment inside the package as well.

So, Seller A does as told, and Seller B gets the item which he did not pay for.

Buyers of Seller B, meanwhile, paid for something which will never arrive.
Seller A, when confronted by Seller B's buyers (since they have the information from bank account), will think something is amiss. And being a kindly soul, decides to refund these victims.

In conclusion, Buyers of Seller B recover their loss, Seller B (who was also Seller A's buyer), received an item for FREE, and which he can sell off for a profit, while the victim will be Seller A, who has lost his item.
Of couse, this scenario is only applicable when Seller A is selling expensive items; for example, mobile phones, computer parts, digital camera, etc.

Who says only Buyers are at risk in e-commerce?


Unknown said...

haha, too much of A and B sure confuses me. perhaps I am just too sleep ;)

I try to read it a few times, yet still get confuse at the end, really can't focus.

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