This Is NOT Funny! | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 18 August 2006

This Is NOT Funny!

It’s not uncommon for Sellers to receive the occasional e-mail from prospective buyers seeking a discount on the items that we are auctioning.

If the item is FOR SALE, then it’s understandable but for an auction item, it’s really not that appropriate as an auction is where we list the item at a low price and hope that the item will receive sufficient bids and drive the price higher than our cost.

Anyway, when I receive such a mail, I try my best to accommodate the prospective Buyer and try to put the transaction through, without making a loss.

Recently, there was a case when a Seller who trades on eBay Malaysia received a mail from someone asking if this Seller can give him/her the item for FREE.

Can you beat that???


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