This Is SO Unscrupulous | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday 10 August 2006

This Is SO Unscrupulous

It's bad enough that I'm frequently receiving spam e-mail from a certain
local webstore. I also see that this store sent similar e-mail to my father's
and brother's e-mail account.

I don't even want to know where this company harvested our e-mail
addresses from and usually, I just trash such unsolicited e-mail. I do not
even report them to the ISP because I want to give them a chance.

But recently, this webstore came to one of the forums where I am
selling lingerie, and posted the URL of the webstore in my thread.

Excuse ME!?!

Why can't this person start a new thread instead of hijacking mine? Not
only did this person post a message in my thread, he (assuming this was
a guy) also posted similar messages on other Seller's thread.

It definitely constitutes jeopardising my sales and I don't take it lying down.

So, got him reported and his message removed. Yay!


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