Customs Red Tape | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday 5 September 2006

Customs Red Tape

Yesterday, I received a letter from the Customs Department telling me to take my invoice to the office to claim my parcel.

It's not that I mind paying tax for the items but they are only open from Monday ~ Friday from 8.30am till 12.30pm. OK, so I'm not sure if they're open on Saturdays or not, as I did not bother to find out.

Nowadays, it's better not to expect anything to get done on Saturdays what with the first and third Saturdays off for most Government departments.

It's confusing, isn't it? As if all we ever think of is which week that Saturday falls on.

Anyway, there'll be a slight delay in claiming my parcel. Do they think that their customers are all housewives and children who need not clock in to work or big shots who can leave the office any time they want?

*shake head*


darry said...

"Nowadays, it's better not to expect anything to get done on Saturdays what with the first and third Saturdays off for most Government departments."

I thought saturdays is the off day for all govt dept

CyberPartyGal said...

They are only closed on the 1st Saturday of every month and open on the other Saturdays, but only for short hours, which I did not bother to remember.

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