What Happened to LYN's Johnny Con-Boy? | Ramblings of an e-trader

Sunday 3 September 2006

What Happened to LYN's Johnny Con-Boy?

Suddenly, I recall the con case which happened on Lowyat.net Forum during Chinese New Year, 2006. I also blogged on it HERE.

Shockingly, it's already eight looooong months, and from
Johnny's Trade Thread on LYN, the victims aren't doing much to nab this con-boy (take a look at his age!)

Perhaps these victims are in private discussions among themselves, since Johnny con-boy may still be lurking around with a new ID.

But come on, they have the name and address, and made numerous police reports, and what action did the authorities take? There's none that I could see, sad to say.

The enthusiasm of the victims in getting back their angpow money also seem to have died down already.

Johnny con-boy could now be "plying his trade" somewhere else. If issues like these are are not nipped in the bud, then we'll be hearing more of such con cases now and then.


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