Holiday Malady | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday 23 October 2006

Holiday Malady

I do not actually expect to close any sales during this 5-day holiday break. That's because most people have "balik kampung" and do not have ready access to the internet.

Some would also rather use the money for yellow or green packets or to buy stuff for the festivities or go on trips just to break away from mundane routine.

However, one thing I notice about holiday breaks is, this is the time joybidders surface. There was once during Chinese New Year where a man bidded on nine of my items without the intention of closing the deal.

This time, someone bidded on four items. While I am not 100% sure that this is a joybidder, I am not taking any chances and have decided to end his bids based on his bidding pattern.

So far, my deducement has been rather accurate. I'd rather forgo a sale than to suffer from the headache of chasing for payment just to close the deal.


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