Of Problematic Buyers | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 27 October 2006

Of Problematic Buyers

There are good buyers and there are problematic ones. Today, I have the misfortune to meet with a problematic one.

Here's the scenario:

Buyer orders item A; I confirmed her order and provided her with payment details.

Upon receipt of payment details, Buyer replies saying that she now wants to change her order to item B, which is fine by me, IF item B is available.

However, item B has already been ordered by another person but hasn't paid for it yet, which is also fine, since I do give grace period if a buyer has a reasonable excuse for delayed payment. Delayed means longer than the stipulated three days.

Even after letting Buyer know that item B is not available, she replied saying that she still wants item B and will pay me as soon as possible.

Hello, did I ever say that whoever pays me first will get the item? And it isn't listed For Sale anymore. It beats me why she went and check my listing history.

I had to mail her back, to tell her NOT to send me payment if she doesn't want item A or I will confiscate her money.

I also had to copy our correspondence to the Admin of the board.

It's potential buyers like these that make me appreciate the good buyers all the more.

Sometimes I wonder if people even read.

Just yesterday, one potential buyer e-mailed me, asking me for measurement of a particular item. BUT I ALREADY WROTE THAT IN THE ITEM DESCRIPTION.

I wonder why do I even bother to take the trouble to state everything out if people do not read.

That is why some powersellers do not reply to questions that already have answers in their item description. But I guess, no Malaysian Seller can afford to do that because the market here is sluggish.


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