One of the greatest challenges I face as a seller who procures her own stocks is trying to find what potential buyers like, as opposed to what I myself like.
Many times, it is the item that I think is not so nice which will be the first to get sold from a new consignment. If you're wondering why I still bought that item in the first place if it's not-so-nice, then let's just say the cost fits my budget. But I wouldn't buy butt ugly items to sell, so there's no worry. :-)
Let me tell you, it is not easy to always put yourself in your buyer's shoes and look at something from their angle. What I personally like may not be what other people like as well.
There are times when the items that I love most will only be sold after ages on display. And it's not even the price factor.
And there are times when I get disheartened if no one buys something which I thought isn't that beautiful and I have to console myself that if there are no takers, then I'll just have to use it myself, and I usually managed to sell it soon after.
It is amazing that God made each one of us so differently that though we have similar eyes, we look at things differently and at different level of attractiveness.
Many times, it is the item that I think is not so nice which will be the first to get sold from a new consignment. If you're wondering why I still bought that item in the first place if it's not-so-nice, then let's just say the cost fits my budget. But I wouldn't buy butt ugly items to sell, so there's no worry. :-)
Let me tell you, it is not easy to always put yourself in your buyer's shoes and look at something from their angle. What I personally like may not be what other people like as well.
There are times when the items that I love most will only be sold after ages on display. And it's not even the price factor.
And there are times when I get disheartened if no one buys something which I thought isn't that beautiful and I have to console myself that if there are no takers, then I'll just have to use it myself, and I usually managed to sell it soon after.
It is amazing that God made each one of us so differently that though we have similar eyes, we look at things differently and at different level of attractiveness.
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