eBay PR3, Lelong PR0 | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday, 5 February 2007

eBay PR3, Lelong PR0

Since the Taiwan earthquake where the submarine optic cable were damaged, I started using FireFox browser because my Maxthon, which uses IE's core kept hanging due to the lack of internet speed. Well, I don't know about others but this is the peculiarity of Maxthon which I detected since using it 4 or 5 years ago.

FireFox has a Google toolbar which I sometimes enable to check Page Ranks. I found that
My eBay Listing Page has a Page Rank of 3 while my Lelong listing page has a Page Rank of 0.

Page Ranks do have a bearing over search engine results. One can search for my items on eBay but it is mighty tough for my Lelong items to be searched out. Heck, Lelong with the www prefix only has a Page Rank of 4. Without it, it's 0, while eBay Malaysia homepage has a Page Rank of 7.

I think Lelong needs to get the website search engine optimized!


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