People Are Basically Good | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday, 5 February 2007

People Are Basically Good

When Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, first started eBay many years ago, he believed that "People are basically good."

I have a hard time convincing myself with that statement.

It may be true that people are basically good but then the small percentage of bad apples sure spoiled the community. I see the same thing happening over and over again in LowYat, Lelong and many other similar boards.

These bad apples unfortunately, make the good people shun away from online trading after reading so many stories of scam victims.

And the basically good people, they become our friends. These are the people that continue to support our business and stay away from our competitors.

Unfortunately, it takes only one to create a black dot but a hundred to clear off that black dot.


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