Colloidal Silver - The Cure All Remedy? | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday, 15 October 2007

Colloidal Silver - The Cure All Remedy?

Have you heard of colloidal silver? If you haven't, where have you been? I have written quite a number of posts on colloidal silver these past months because I have read much about it and heard from friends who have tried it. They tell me that it makes a good supplement and it is said that colloidal silver could cure various ailments that we suffer from now and then.

According to my friends who have taken this, they told me that colloidal silver is a clear liquid that does not have a specific taste. I take that to mean that it tastes like water! Also, the cautioned that if I were to try it out, to only by the purest colloidal silver. This is the only effective colloidal silver because it is pure and undiluted.

If you read my posts sometime back, my sister hasn't been feeling too good lately. I recommended this to her and hope that it would cure her of her ailment, whatever mysterious sickness that she has currently! Colloidal silver is said to cure flu easily. What about what my sister is suffering from currently?


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