Fake Discount | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Fake Discount

Do you know what a 'Fake Discount' is? It's a discount that the retailer or shop keeper gives you, usually about 10% off your item price. I am sure you are happy with that. I, on the other hand, prefer to get the item at a price that is not marked up, rather than marked up about 30% and then deduct 10% just to please me.

I don't like to play the psychological game with retailers who think that we are so grateful to them for the discount even though it is not during a sale. Hah! We KNOW! Even after a 10% discount, they would still have a profit of 20% or more.

I have a friend who runs a sundry shop and you know sundry in Malaysia, many things are under a government price control. So he used to tell me, "We only profit five sen for a bottle of oil as large as this (2kg)." And I said to myself, if it's so hard to profit then why are you still in the business, right? Who are you trying to fool?


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