Sale Of Replica/Imitation Products | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Sale Of Replica/Imitation Products

Although many people complain that there are too many imitation products in the auction place, I think that as long as there is a demand, these imitations will continue to flood the market.

If a person is selling imitation products, then he should be up-front about it and describe the item as best as he could and bold the words that the item is only a replica and not the real deal.

From what I see the experiences of my colleagues who are dealing in replicas, most of the time problems arise when the Buyer alleges that he does not know that the item is a replica. OR when something is wrong with the product, they make lots of noise. Eh, it's a replica, what do they expect, right?

But no, they want cheap and they want good. This is not to say that replicas are not good but it means that replica CAN NEVER match the real deal. People pay a higher price for a reason. Brand name, reputation and a certain standard of quality all come with a price tag.


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