Seeking Help From Alcoholism Treatment Center | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday, 5 October 2007

Seeking Help From Alcoholism Treatment Center

Did you know that many people are suffering from alcoholism and yet do not admit it. I have seen many of my friends and male relatives struggling to cope with their drinking habit and yet when I advised them to stop for a while, they won't and continue denying that they have a drinking problem

I believe that alcoholism is just as bad as addiction to drugs and yet alcoholism is harder to pin point and the lesser evil that is why people do not look at alcoholics with the same eye as drug addicts.

There are quite a few alcoholism treatment centers that are said to be effective in helping alcohol addicts kick their bad habits though I do not personally know of anyone who has gone on a treatment course, since they all DENY their addiction.

I think that it is easier to get a drug addict to go to a center drug rehab treatment program than to get an alcoholic to commit to one. What do you think?

Having said that, whenever I see a friend’s drinking habit getting out of control, I do remind him (mostly guys) that alcoholism is a treatable addiction. We have a right to live a clean life. Why intoxicate ourselves like that?


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