The Voice Over Talent Called Don Capone | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

The Voice Over Talent Called Don Capone

Don Capone, if you do not know yet, is a very creative and artistic voice over talent. I first heard of him a few months ago when I was surfing the internet and stumbled upon his website. I was curious about what kind of work a voice talent does and checked out his website and also listened to his audio files, which are previews of his previous work. I was impressed of course, and I am hoping that I would come across his work on TV or radio but those are not available here.

What I am particularly interested is how he could project his voice to put life into a short advertisement and within this few minutes, try to catch our attention and hopefully, we are interested enough to check the product out at the store.

Some companies like to make their advertisements look busy but I think that if it is too crowded, we would lose interest too and may not be able to catch the message that the advertisement is supposed to bring.

From the few audio files found on Don Capone, I would like to say that he has successfully carried out his job of bringing across the message that the advertiser wanted. I heard that Don Capone is very affordable, despite his talent! Want to try??


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