Searching For New Blogger Template For My Blog | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday 25 March 2008

Searching For New Blogger Template For My Blog

I spent the couple of days looking all over the internet for a Blogger template for this blog. You may not have noticed any changes on this blog because I have set up a Blogger template test blog specifically for the purpose of testing out Blogger templates.

One thing I noticed is that the designers or the people who ported WordPress blogs into Blogger templates, did not really test their themes properly before releasing them. Now, I am not saying that all of them are like that but I have tested so many themes and almost all turned up with little errors here and there, some that could be easily rectified, some are so error ridden it's just better to drop it than to waste time checking the HTML codes.

So, after two days of intense searching, I still ended up with nothing to show. It galls me that I have wasted time. I do have a couple in mind but I can't decide if I should stick to Blogger Classic that uses HTML or move on to Blogger that is out of Beta that uses XML. So which shall I use?


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