Obama Spiderman Domain Name Auction | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Obama Spiderman Domain Name Auction

About two weeks ago, I wrote a post on Amazing Spiderman #583 with Barack Obama on the cover where people were selling them on eBay even without having the comic on hand yet since it would only be released on Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th President of the United States.

Although copies of the Amazing Spiderman are only sold at US$3.99 each normally, people willingly paid more than that just so that they could secure a copy. I am not surprised that there are people capitalizing on Obama's popularity but I do wonder why collectors are willing to pay a hundred times more. I know, I know, it is in the name of investment!

Last evening, I stumbled upon an eBay auction that capitalizes on Obama and Spiderman. It's for the domain name ObamaSpidey.com. Now, we all know how much it is to register a domain name but this seller is asking for US$10,000. Interested parties may make an offer too.

While normal people would not pay so much for a domain name, there may be some crazy investor or web entrepreneur who may see value in this.

Would you pay US$100,000 for this particular domain name? If not, how much would you offer the Seller?

eBay listing: Here


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