Niche Stores & Products | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday, 2 February 2009

Niche Stores & Products

I recently got together with a few friends over the Chinese New Year holidays. We all run an online business so there were plenty of things to talk about and experiences to share.

My friends tell me that with new eBay policies in place, mom and pop stores would have to take a back seat while those who offer niche products would have a better chance of surviving this harsh economy, even in online retail.

I think that niche product is definitely a good idea but I also feel that one really needs the passion to sell niche items. A lot of research has to be done and time has to be invested. Whether we decide to sell industrial clamps, branded watches or like me, luxurious lingerie, we must have the passion for it. After all, we will be handling this everyday!


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