Moving Out Of The Nest | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Moving Out Of The Nest

Warren told me that he is very excited because he is finally moving out of the nest later this month. I guess his parents are happier since this is the day all parents look forward to but Warren didn't want to do so until he gets married, and boy is he marrying late!

Warren is a very weird guy in the sense that he placed everything in his room so that he could still "survive" even if he does not go out of it for a week. Can you imagine, there are even two sets of refrigerators in his room! Now he tells me that it's quite a hassle to move everything to his new home and he may have to leave some items behind, hold a garage sale or even give some of them away, which I know he wouldn't want to do unless he has no choice.

I joked that he would require the services of a large Boston Moving Company to help him with the task of moving and he isn't even moving too far from his family home. Still, it would be good to live separately from his parents and with his own house, he no longer has to chuck everything into his room!

*** This post has been sponsored.


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