Business Casual Dress Code | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 12 November 2010

Business Casual Dress Code

I registered for a business conference the other day and then found out that the dress code was "business casual". As you know, I work for myself from home and I do not own any business suits. Because of this conference, I went to buy clothes that I think business women wear. LOL

To my chagrin, perhaps it's because of lack of exercise and the long hours I sit in front of the computer, I didn't look good in any of those slim fitting business wear. I didn't even realize it. Since when did my "spare tire" expand so? I was desperate to know how to lose stomach fat fast!

In the end, I had to buy something loose. I didn't look good but I didn't have a choice. That get up had to do for the time being.


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