Revamping My Business | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Revamping My Business

It has been almost three years since I have "touched" my online business. I was just too caught up with other work but now that I have more free time on my hands, I am thinking of reviving it. However, after looking at my old website, I realize that it is in need of a revamp.

I need a new theme, new logo and a new tag line. Of course, I would also need new stocks. Stock procurement is what I could do myself but I definitely cannot design my own logo for the business. A log is something that people would associate with my company and the product that I deal in.

I need Logo Designers to help me with my logo. I have no experience with designing so I leave that to professionals. Also, I like the idea of having matching social network profiles and even smartphone wallpapers. Now, that's call branding!

Since I have been away from business for such a long time, I would first have to decide if I am going to deal in the same merchandise. Only then would I be able to engage a logo designer and start working on my logo and theme. I would also have to decide on the kind of colors I want to use. Wow, aren't there too many decisions for me to make??


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