Enrolling In A Cosmetology School | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday 15 September 2011

Enrolling In A Cosmetology School

A friend, who has been working in a beauty salon cum spa, told me that without paper qualification, she doesn't feel secured with her position in the company. Although she has the experience now, she thinks that she should enroll in a Cosmetology school, get her paper qualification and at the same time, refresh her skills.

It is indeed a good move, as more and more fresh graduates flood the employment market. She really should take steps to upgrade her skill level and create more value in herself to her employer. Regency Beauty Institute is a top beauty institute with over 80 campuses around the United States, it is a top choice for students who would like to venture a career in the beauty industry.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit Blogitive.com or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 7100 Northland Circle, Suite 312 – Brooklyn Park, MN 55428


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