Landscape Planning & Designing | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 17 July 2009

Landscape Planning & Designing

My friend, Mark, just sent me photos of his new garden. He had the grass dug up and covered the ground with crushed granite stone instead. Mark is an architect and so is his partner so they know what they are doing.

My house has a large garden that I have always wanted to change but I have no idea what to make of it. I have trees and plants which though I like for their shade and greenery, I hate the work of caring for them. With a grassy lawn, you can imagine the time it consumes keeping it neat and tidy!

I just came across this boston landscaping company which offers an obligation-free landscaping consultation which I think is an excellent service for homeowners who would like a new garden that would not only look beautiful but is also functional. After all, a garden is an extension of the house.

This company, SLDA Landscape, promises to make every garden unique because they take the trouble to find out in-depth what the homeowner wants. On top of that, they make sure to work within our budget, yet enhance the value of our home with their creativity.

Luckily with services like these, we don’t have to be architects or landscape designers to own a beautiful garden too!


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