Naming A Company | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Naming A Company

A friend proposes to set up a joint venture company with me but I am not very keen. First of all, I am a lone ranger and would rather do things myself and secondly, I have tried to start a company with him but after all the discussion, it didn't come to anything conclusive. I was miffed at the time wasted.

One of the problems we faced was in naming the company. I wanted something that represented the company and our service and the name has to be short and to the point. Most importantly, to me, is that a company's name has to be easy to remember and pronounce! People would not remember the name if they couldn't even pronounce it, right?

My friend, on the other hand, does not understand the power of a good brand name and would suggest all sorts of names to me and get angry when I rejected all of them! Perhaps we could have avoided all these heated discussions by hiring a Naming Company. At least we could argue over another person's suggestions and it would not be anything personal!

Seriously, even if we have a great name, it is important to check with friends to see if the names mean anything bad in another language!


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