Concerns Over New NAP Conditions | Ramblings of an e-trader

Monday 16 November 2009

Concerns Over New NAP Conditions

The proposed imposition of a slew of new conditions under the National Automotive Policy (NAP) beginning 2010 in Malaysia has caused much anxiety for owners or older cars. Besides having to undergo an annual car test before one could buy insurance and have road tax renewed, insurance companies are also starting to look into the age of the car owner.

Another problem for owners of older cars is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to purchase spare parts for the car and the import of such is to be banned soon. Seriously, such a move is going to kill the used car market.

My friend, Steve, told me that he is worried about such conditions too. I wondered why he would also be affected since he doesn't own any car older than 15 years but he said that as the owner of two hobby cars which he fine tunes every chance he gets with performance parts, he is afraid that he would not be able to purchase them locally.

As far as I know, one could still purchase aftermarket car parts online and there are surely plenty to choose from but I wonder if buying them online and having them shipped into the country would be considered an "import" even though the parts are just for personal use. Would the ban apply in this case?

My friends who moved to the States are all into cars. They tell me that unlike in Malaysia where we are governed by 101 rules and regulations by the Road Transport Department, they could modify or accessorize their cars however they like physically and/or performance wise and the authorities wouldn’t care as long as they have auto insurance.

I am going to show Steve the website of In Sixth Gear so that even if he could no longer purchase used performance car parts locally, perhaps he could purchase new ones online and continue to fuel his hobby.


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