Baggy Eyes | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday, 15 January 2010

Baggy Eyes

I realized recently that I haven't had a good night's rest for at least four years now. I don't sleep a lot but I do need uninterrupted sleep of at least four to five hours. Even though this is sufficient for me, it doesn't stop the tiredness from showing on my face, especially my eyes. I used to joke with friends that I am like a panda bear with my eyes like that but actually, it is so not funny. You can imagine the number of bottles of dark circle eye cream that I have used so far.

Frankly, I don't know if the cream really works since I didn't give myself a chance to lead a more normal lifestyle with longer hours in bed. I think that with all the eye cream that I have used, I would be able to get rid of them eventually!


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