Lelong Superbid Is Back | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Lelong Superbid Is Back

Lelong's Superbid, a separate auction marketplace slightly different from Lelong's main marketplace, is back, has been back for a few weeks now already, actually, but I am just lazy to blog about it. Hehehe!

This fresh round of Superbid is bigger though. Previously, it was just for an hour, if I remember correctly but now, it's for a full 12 hours! Still, it is always held on Wednesdays. Why Wednesday? Probably it's the middle of the week and office workers should already have settled down to a new work week.

All products for bidding on Lelong's Superbid start at only RM1 but sometimes, the closing bid could be very high, even higher than conventional auctions. I guess it is because of buyers’ attitude to chase for the items that they want, temporarily forgetting their budget!

Browsing through the products available on Superbid website right now, there are many popular consumer electronic products on offer alongside items like brand name watches, beauty products and even tea leaves. What I like is that retail prices for all items are stated clearly so that we can calculate how much we will be saving. However, do remember to add in shipping charges! Also, do not believe this "retail price" 100% so you should know the product well and how much it is really being sold in the market before putting in a bid!


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