Selling Stolen Goods On eBay | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Selling Stolen Goods On eBay

I read the article on a shoplifter from Oregon who then sold the stolen goods on eBay and I get the "duh" moment. Actually, these kinds of get rich quick schemes, none of us do not know how to do, if you get my meaning! But the question is, is it worth the trouble?

The article on The News Tribune mentions that Louise Marie Corbin is already 62 years old (and still stealing?) but what is more surprising is that it has taken almost TWO long years for her to be caught!

I don't know if Macy and Nordstrom, the two stores that she stole from, were slow to realize their missing merchandises or if the police were slow. eBay surely co-operated with the police, I am sure. Yet, it is said that Louise's operations ran from December 2006 until October 2008, selling items worth more than $200,000 in total. Duh!

Source: The News Tribune


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