Fancy Residential Mail Boxes | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday, 12 February 2010

Fancy Residential Mail Boxes

Once in a while, my sister will have this urge to make some changes to her home. She finds joy in that especially if it's not too expensive. Lately, she is thinking of changing to a new mail box. Well, unlike houses here where most mailboxes are built into brick pillars, her mailbox is planted just on the edge of her garden by the roadside.

Of course, changing a new mailbox isn't a big deal but the thing that's stopping her is her inability to decide which one she likes more since there are just so many to select from! When she asked me to help her make that decision, I was taken aback too by the huge selection of residential mailboxes.

The funny thing was that I told her that it doesn't matter which one she chooses. These residential mail boxes are so affordable she can always change to yet another one whenever she is bored with it already! I am sure her husband wouldn't mind.


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