Minor Home Office Renovation | Ramblings of an e-trader

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Minor Home Office Renovation

I have been planning to renovate my home office for a couple of months already but haven't really done anything. However, once Chinese New Year is done and over with, I may start. I hope to get back to serious work once I am satisfied with the minor renovation that I am planning to do.

It really wouldn't be much but I am going to add drawers and filing cabinets, perhaps another desk and one thing I must install are fancy, colorful blinds to keep the sun rays out. The afternoon sun could be so bright, I guess this is one reason I can not bring myself to put in some work time during the day and prefer to work at night.

In any case, I only have a small budget to work with so I think this minor renovation will not take too long to complete. And then it’s back to real work!


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