Importance of Negative Feedback | Ramblings of an e-trader

Tuesday 18 April 2006

Importance of Negative Feedback

How important is a negative feedback on the trading profile of joybidders and fun buyers? Does it reflect the seriousness and genuineness of this buyer?

When I was a new seller, these people irked me so much that I have left a number of negatives on their profiles. After a while, as a more mature seller I looked upon joybidders and fun buyers at a different perspective.

I came across quite a number of people who were at first my "joybidders" who then subsequently closed deals successfully with me and even became my long term buyers.

These people told me that earlier, they had problems with depositing payment or delivery, and therefore cancelled the deal.

Having not left any negative feedback on such a "joybidder" means I have the door open for future transactions and I guess, in the end, we both came out winners.

On the other hand, bidders with fraudulant element are cancalled from my auctions and blocked from future bidding.


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