eBay's Prohibited and Restricted Items ~ Used Clothing | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 22 July 2006

eBay's Prohibited and Restricted Items ~ Used Clothing

eBay has a full list of items that are "Prohibited and Restricted" and it's up to the Seller to make sure that the item that is to be listed is legal in the eyes of the Law.

As a lingerie seller, naturally I was curious about
Used Clothing.

According to eBay:

Used clothing (except underwear) may be listed on eBay as long as the clothing has been thoroughly cleaned according to the manufacturer's instructions. Listings that contain inappropriate descriptions will be ended.

Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:

Listing cancellation
Limits on account privileges
Account suspension
Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings
Loss of PowerSeller status
So what does that mean about "Used clothing (except underwear)"? I don't quite get it.

Does it mean that on eBay, one can sell unwashed soiled underwear?


Keen said...

The term Used clothing (except underwear) is pretty clear if we take it literally to mean that used clothing of any kind is permissible, except underwear, regardless of its cleaned status or not.

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