The Purpose of Forum Boards | Ramblings of an e-trader

Wednesday 26 July 2006

The Purpose of Forum Boards

It pains me every time to read of new scams. I feel that nobody deserves to go through such an episode and of course, there are better ways to spend the hard-earned money.

Additionally, scams will dampen business for e-traders like me and the e-commerce market as a whole. No one who has been conned of his money through a failed online deal will look at e-commerce in the same enthusiastic way again.

Let's not point fingers at who is to be blamed in such a situation. The point is, a little bit more knowledge on the mechanism of e-commerce will never hurt anybody.

And to get that little bit of information, one has to do lots of research, read, understand and evaluate. With infomation readily at our finger tips, thanks to the internet, one just need to spend a bit of time and all the information will be available.

This is where the forum boards come in. Not just any forum, but specifically forums set up and managed by the various trading sites.

Sad to say, most scam victims only will visit the Boards AFTER they suspect they have been scammed. And most often than not, their suspicions turn out to be their worst nightmare.

There must be a way to create awareness to everyone, whether one plans to make purchases over the net or not.

With proper education, I foresee that e-commerce will be a way of life for many of us in the near future.


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