Overcharged By 5sen AGAIN! | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday 24 August 2006

Overcharged By 5sen AGAIN!

I have written about the principle of being overcharged by 5sen by Pos Malaysia. Unfortunately, it happened again.

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to ship a package to Singapore by Registered Airmail.

Airmail rates to Singapore is 90sen for the first 20 grammes and 35sen for every additional 10 grammes.

So, as usual, I weighed my package first before leaving for the post office. And from my kitchen scale, it showed 140 grammes, and that adds up to MYR0.90 + MYR4.20 + MYR3.90 (registration) = MYR9.00

When I handed the package over to the postal clerk, she told me it's MYR8.70. I paid her because I couldn't tell off-hand how she came to the figure of MYR8.70 but it's still 30sen less than my budget.

I subsequently found out that MYR8.70 is from MYR0.90 (first 20g) + MYR3.90 (registration) + MYR3.90.

And the MYR3.90 came from (35sen X 11) + 5sen!

GGGrrr I was overcharged by 5sen AGAIN!

As I said before, it's not the value of 5sen, but it's the principle. I don't understand why Pos Malaysia even bother to print stamps with 5sen value then.

Related post:
It's the Principle, Not the Value


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