I've Been Bad ... | Ramblings of an e-trader

Friday 1 September 2006

I've Been Bad ...

.... because I haven't been updating my WebStore. Feel abit guilty for it, and it reflects laziness, which is untrue although the last time it was updated was in late March, 2006. It's now the beginning of September already. How time flies *gasp*

I also did not update my store front in conjunction with Merdeka Day. It was only ONE miserable day, after all *sigh* Don't we wish to have a longer break now and then?

I guess I got myself side-tracked by the
RobertChai.com project. Thought of bringing some fun to the Malaysian blogosphere but we've had criticisms here and there which made me lose precious sleep but at the same time, this project has gained me some great friends too. Thank you guys, for the wonderful camaderie.

And I've also received words of encouragement from absolute strangers telling us to persevere in the face of adversity. That really made my day.

Anyway, I promise to work harder in displaying my upcoming stocks on
Cyberpartygal's WebStore as soon as possible. If time permits, I'll pull another pre-order. Otherwise, I'll just do a preview in this blog one of these days, so stay tuned.

And I'd like to end my post here today with a big shout out to my friend, KK, who, as far as I know, is the only person who reads this blog regularly. Thank you for your loyalty hahah!


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