Going the Blog Way | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 28 October 2006

Going the Blog Way

I noticed that more and more online Sellers have started blogs. Heck, even eBay is offering blogspace for its members who are so inclined to blog.

Blogging is a low cost way of marketing, but it is not easy to get a shopper come to your blog, and then find their way to your sales page. I know, I've maintained this blog since December, 2005 and only a handful actually check out the links and buttons on the sidebar.

From experience, my own and those of fellow bloggers, only a handful actually read beyond the single post, which is really a pity as we have a lot more to offer to our readers than just one post.

Like I said, a lot of us Sellers now have blogs to be closer to our buyers and to keep them informed.

Recently, I noticed that many of these blogging Sellers have added the URL of their blog in their signature on eBay Forum Boards.

I thought that is a violation of eBay Forum's Terms of Use. I remember getting an e-mail warning from the Admin when I was a newbie on the Boards and left a link to my eBay auction page in my signature.

And yet, here are members, PowerSellers and veteran sellers no less, leaving an external link in their signature.

eBay relaxed their rule, or does eBay close an eye to PowerSellers or Store Owners?


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