Traffic + Copywriting + Product = Successful Internet Business | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday 28 October 2006

Traffic + Copywriting + Product = Successful Internet Business

Three months ago, I wrote that Drive + Passion = Successful Netpreneur.

Here's another equation:
Traffic + Copywriting + Product = Successful Internet Business, according to Mr. James D. Brausch and he can't be wrong. He's an Internet business guru.

In his website,
Mr. Brausch has generously shared his knowledge on internet marketing, which I find very informative and beneficial, as an e-trader, hoping to go into this venture full-time.

Right now, I am still working on channeling traffic to my
webstore, and I suck at copywriting. How many more ways can one describe a piece of lingerie? And I'm also desperately in need of a new digital camera. I hope someone will remember my birthday next month.

Mr. Brausch also markets software that can improve online sales by a four-figure percentage, so if you have some spare cash, you can try them out. He offers money-back guarantees, so there's nothing to lose.

While I myself would love to try his programs out, the foreign currency exchange rate is a killer. I'll just as well read through his entire website from the very first post. Lots of stuff to be gained from there and I'll be looking to implement some of his tips and tricks to my own marketing strategy.

Related post:
Drive + Passion = Successful Netpreneur


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