Uproar Over Cross Border Selling Requirements | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday 4 January 2007

Uproar Over Cross Border Selling Requirements

Many eBay members who sell on eBay USA are unhappy with the implementation of eBay's new Cross Border selling requirements. For one, members were not given prior notice or sufficient grace period. It was abruptly implemented and just before Christmas too, where many Sellers look forward to the holiday sales.

It seems like eBay did not think this out carefully, and just implemented it to protect Buyers during the holiday season, just like the policy they have for PS3 listings..

Do they care about Sellers, particularly international Sellers? It is also now a requirement to sell branded goods that are in America. That means, you can only sell your Gucci bag on eBay US IF your bag is in the US, while you may be in some other countries outside of US.

So what does this show? Not all sellers of genuine products are scammers. Not all genuine sellers have a verified Paypal account. It takes time to verify a Paypal account under its Expanded Use Program, by then Santa Claus has come and gone.

Where does that leave the majority of international sellers who ply their trade on eBay US? They are left holding on to the goods, of course.

So yea, better planning on new policies and timing would help.


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