Building Reputation | Ramblings of an e-trader

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Building Reputation

Reputation is very important in etrading because everyone is trading on sterile ground where there is no human contact and one is not able to determine if a person is good or bad. What can we tell with just an ID?

Every trader who starts etrading has to build his reputation from scratch to reflect his trustworthiness. Likewise for every Buyer who builds his feedback score to show that he is not a problematic Buyer.

How does a Seller build his reputation when with a zero feedback score, not many people would want to buy from him? And how does a Buyer build his reputation when most big time Sellers stipulate that a bidder has to have a minimum of ten positives, for example?

I think that zero feedback Buyers and Sellers, if given a chance, can be great members of the community. If everyone is blocked from trading, how can one accumulate feedback?

To build feedback, many people start with buying and selling small, low-priced items. However, those who continuously buy cheap or bid on free items may have bad intentions of pulling off scam jobs later so do beware of such people.

Trade smart, trade safe.


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