Starting A Business | Ramblings of an e-trader

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Starting A Business

It is easy to start a business but it is not easy to build it up, sustain it and maintain a flawless reputation. I have seen many people whose enthusiasm wears off pretty quickly and they start to neglect it. On the other hand, there are some people who grab all the opportunities that come without building a strong foundation for the company, hence not allowing room for it to grow first before branching off. In the end, it becomes a bridge too far and everything falls apart.

In business, one must have the acumen even if he has the vision. I have seen a very brilliant man whose idea was financially backed by one of the local tycoons but the venture still failed because his management sucked.

He did not build a solid foundation for his company before starting new departments, taking over companies at inflated prices, and in the end, failed to follow through with the sale, hence the Seller take back the company by default due to failure of the Buyer to meet his payment schedule.

For someone like him, it is a real pity when he could be someone big but he ran too fast even before learning to walk that he tripped over himself. To venture into business, one has to be sure-footed. The man I cited above lost tens of millions of Ringgit. No doubt, I am sure he has gained a wealth of experience but is it not better to gain the experience while coming out on top rather than the bottom?


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