One of my new blogging buddies, Ryan of, has started a new website called Ryan's Reviews. In this website, Ryan attempts to dissect each and every blog that crosses his path.
He has offered to do that to one one of my blogs but I am not prepared to take the negatives that he may dish out. Moreover, I figured that if he gives me an excellent review with suggestions and constructive criticisms, what could I do? I can't spare any free time to implement them on my blog. Plus, I am hopeless in wading through HTML codes.
So I regretfully have to give his offer a pass. I hold the philosophy of why fix when it ain't broken? I am satisfied with my current layout and as long as it is not giving out any errors, I am very happy already.
However, if you would like to have your blog reviewed by an unbiased third party, you can drop Ryan a note at his review blog, Check out his reviews of other blogs. You will be blown away by his professionalism!
He has offered to do that to one one of my blogs but I am not prepared to take the negatives that he may dish out. Moreover, I figured that if he gives me an excellent review with suggestions and constructive criticisms, what could I do? I can't spare any free time to implement them on my blog. Plus, I am hopeless in wading through HTML codes.
So I regretfully have to give his offer a pass. I hold the philosophy of why fix when it ain't broken? I am satisfied with my current layout and as long as it is not giving out any errors, I am very happy already.
However, if you would like to have your blog reviewed by an unbiased third party, you can drop Ryan a note at his review blog, Check out his reviews of other blogs. You will be blown away by his professionalism!
I take your warning not to buy anything with a handle either. It causes work! Sure enough!
I like your blog. I might get brave enough to go to Ryan's and let me look at my blog, but I'm like you, I'm not sure I want to subject myself to any criticism. I'm a little new at this and a little too fragile at the moment.
I don't know how anyone could say anything bad about your blog though. I think it's very impressive!
Hi Robyn!
Thanks for dropping by and for your kind words! I am not brave enough to get under the microsopic eyes of Ryan!
Thanks Emily. :)
Happy blogger, nothing to worry about. I am am constructive and I don't go around ripping on people for kicks, that is not what the internet is for.
Emily has several blogs and that was her excuse. She is just scared.
I do not believe that your blogs would earn the worst review I have ever given Emily. Although, they may earn a neutral or even positive review!
Wah Ryan!
Hearing this from you, I may just take up your blog review offer! LOL
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